Janhvi Kapoor’s every look at all the functions of Radhika-Anant Ambani’s wedding was amazing. These days Janhvi is constantly in the news for her upcoming film ‘Ulajh’. Due to her aggressive persona in the espionage thriller Ulajh teaser, Janhvi Kapoor has been in the news. Before the official trailer release, the actor for the first time showed off a sneak peek to her followers only. The film’s anticipation was heightened by ecstatic fans’ love for both the teaser and Janhvi’s stunning performance. During the preview of the film ‘Ulajh’, when the paparazzi asked about her wedding, Janhvi’s reaction was worth watching. Janhvi Kapoor’s every look at all the functions of Radhika-Anant Ambani’s wedding was amazing. These days Janhvi is constantly in the news for her upcoming film ‘Ulajh’. Due to her aggressive persona in the espionage thriller Ulajh teaser, Janhvi Kapoor has been in the news. Before the official trailer release, the actor for the first time showed off a sneak peek to her followers only. The film’s anticipation was heightened by ecstatic fans’ love for both the teaser and Janhvi’s stunning performance. During the preview of the film ‘Ulajh’, when the paparazzi asked about her wedding, Janhvi’s reaction was worth watching. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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