Bigg Boss OTT 3, which has been hitting the headlines ever since it premiered has got caught up in another controversy with Shiv Sena MLA Manisha Kayande approaching Mumbai police demanding legal action against the show for allegedly airing inappropriate content. Kayande, Secretary and Spokesperson of Shiv Sena, along with other members on Monday met Mumbai Police Commissioner Vivek Phansalkar and submitted a written complaint expressing concerns over content aired in the episode of Bigg Boss OTT Season 3. Bigg Boss OTT 3, which has been hitting the headlines ever since it premiered has got caught up in another controversy with Shiv Sena MLA Manisha Kayande approaching Mumbai police demanding legal action against the show for allegedly airing inappropriate content. Kayande, Secretary and Spokesperson of Shiv Sena, along with other members on Monday met Mumbai Police Commissioner Vivek Phansalkar and submitted a written complaint expressing concerns over content aired in the episode of Bigg Boss OTT Season 3. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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