Tamil actor Bijili Ramesh, known for his work in Natpe Thunai, Aadai and Sivappu Manjal Pachai, passed away on Monday evening at the age of 46. In the early hours of August 27, the Kollywood film industry woke up to the news of the actor’s demise. Bijili is known as an ardent fan of the South superstar Rajinikanth and was also popular for the same reason. Soon after the news of his death broke on social media, his fans, colleagues and well-wishers poured in condolences for the actor who fought a long battle with chronic illness and reportedly breathed his last around 9 pm on August 26. Tamil actor Bijili Ramesh, known for his work in Natpe Thunai, Aadai and Sivappu Manjal Pachai, passed away on Monday evening at the age of 46. In the early hours of August 27, the Kollywood film industry woke up to the news of the actor’s demise. Bijili is known as an ardent fan of the South superstar Rajinikanth and was also popular for the same reason. Soon after the news of his death broke on social media, his fans, colleagues and well-wishers poured in condolences for the actor who fought a long battle with chronic illness and reportedly breathed his last around 9 pm on August 26. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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