Bollywood actress Dimple Kapadia has time and again stunned her fans with her performances in various Hindi films from the era of the ’70s and ’80s. The veteran actress continues to stay relevant even today in roles that illustrate the scope of her creativity. As the actress turns 67 this year, here are some of her memorable roles in films that stood out and made her win various awards and appreciation from the audience for her performance. Bollywood actress Dimple Kapadia has time and again stunned her fans with her performances in various Hindi films from the era of the ’70s and ’80s. The veteran actress continues to stay relevant even today in roles that illustrate the scope of her creativity. As the actress turns 67 this year, here are some of her memorable roles in films that stood out and made her win various awards and appreciation from the audience for her performance. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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