Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar’s popular anti-smoking ‘Nandu ad’ will no longer be shown in Indian theatres. According to the latest reports, the Central Board of Film Certification has pulled down Akshay Kumar’s no-smoking ad from theatres. Moreover, a new advertisement is also going to take its place. The new ad, replacing Akshay’s popular ad, explains how quitting tobacco can bring positive changes to the body within just 20 minutes. However, the exact reasons for removing Akshay Kumar’s ad are not yet known. Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar’s popular anti-smoking ‘Nandu ad’ will no longer be shown in Indian theatres. According to the latest reports, the Central Board of Film Certification has pulled down Akshay Kumar’s no-smoking ad from theatres. Moreover, a new advertisement is also going to take its place. The new ad, replacing Akshay’s popular ad, explains how quitting tobacco can bring positive changes to the body within just 20 minutes. However, the exact reasons for removing Akshay Kumar’s ad are not yet known. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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