Versatile actor Anupam Kher on Thursday confirmed the news that Iain Glen, known for his role in Game of Thrones will be seen featuring his upcoming directorial, Tanvi The Great. Taking to his Instagram account, Anupam shared a video with Iain wherein the two can be seen interacting and sharing their excitement about the collaboration. ”ANNOUNCEMENT: Ladies and Gentlemen! Since our pic went viral from the sets of #TanviTheGreat yesterday, both #IainGlen and I decided to announce to the world about our collaboration for the film. On a personal note I feel delighted and privileged to have #Iain act in my directorial venture. I have been an admirer of his brilliance on stage and on screen and of course of #GameOfThrones! Thank you my friend! Jai Ho! #TanviTheGreat #GameOfThrones #MagicOfCinema,” he wrote along with the video. Earlier, a few pictures of the two actors went viral on social media. Versatile actor Anupam Kher on Thursday confirmed the news that Iain Glen, known for his role in Game of Thrones will be seen featuring his upcoming directorial, Tanvi The Great. Taking to his Instagram account, Anupam shared a video with Iain wherein the two can be seen interacting and sharing their excitement about the collaboration. ”ANNOUNCEMENT: Ladies and Gentlemen! Since our pic went viral from the sets of #TanviTheGreat yesterday, both #IainGlen and I decided to announce to the world about our collaboration for the film. On a personal note I feel delighted and privileged to have #Iain act in my directorial venture. I have been an admirer of his brilliance on stage and on screen and of course of #GameOfThrones! Thank you my friend! Jai Ho! #TanviTheGreat #GameOfThrones #MagicOfCinema,” he wrote along with the video. Earlier, a few pictures of the two actors went viral on social media. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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