Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are going to welcome their first child very soon. Ever since Deepika announced the news of her pregnancy, there has been a lot of excitement among fans about when the actress will become a mother. The actor was recently spotted with Ranveer Singh’s parents and sister. The actress had gone out for a family dinner. She looked very beautiful in an oversized black blazer and matching bodycon dress. During this, badminton player Lakshya Sen was also seen with her. Deepika will soon be seen in the role of a police officer Shakti Shetty in Rohit Shetty’s directorial Singham 3. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are going to welcome their first child very soon. Ever since Deepika announced the news of her pregnancy, there has been a lot of excitement among fans about when the actress will become a mother. The actor was recently spotted with Ranveer Singh’s parents and sister. The actress had gone out for a family dinner. She looked very beautiful in an oversized black blazer and matching bodycon dress. During this, badminton player Lakshya Sen was also seen with her. Deepika will soon be seen in the role of a police officer Shakti Shetty in Rohit Shetty’s directorial Singham 3. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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