Global actor Deepika Padukone is having the time of her life right now. From expecting her firstborn to giving back-to-back hits, she is rocking it on the personal and professional front. After giving the first superhit film of 2024 in the form of Fighter with Hrithik Roshan, she also ended the tough time phase at the Indian box office with Kalki 2898 AD, also starring Prabhas and Amitabh Bachchan. However, do you know that she is the only actor to be a part of four multi-verses? Global actor Deepika Padukone is having the time of her life right now. From expecting her firstborn to giving back-to-back hits, she is rocking it on the personal and professional front. After giving the first superhit film of 2024 in the form of Fighter with Hrithik Roshan, she also ended the tough time phase at the Indian box office with Kalki 2898 AD, also starring Prabhas and Amitabh Bachchan. However, do you know that she is the only actor to be a part of four multi-verses? IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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