Bollywood’s beautiful real-life couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone have recently become parents. Both became parents of a baby girl in September. Ever since the welcome of the baby girl in the house of the actors, who are called the most favorite couple of Bollywood, it has been discussed a lot on social media. The couple announced their pregnancy earlier this year, and since then their fans have been overjoyed. Some beautiful pictures of the maternity shoot created a stir on the internet. The paps were also very excited after the birth of their daughter and were desperate for a glimpse of the baby girl. Now finally the couple has shown that special glimpse of the baby girl to the paps and that too in a very special way. Bollywood’s beautiful real-life couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone have recently become parents. Both became parents of a baby girl in September. Ever since the welcome of the baby girl in the house of the actors, who are called the most favorite couple of Bollywood, it has been discussed a lot on social media. The couple announced their pregnancy earlier this year, and since then their fans have been overjoyed. Some beautiful pictures of the maternity shoot created a stir on the internet. The paps were also very excited after the birth of their daughter and were desperate for a glimpse of the baby girl. Now finally the couple has shown that special glimpse of the baby girl to the paps and that too in a very special way. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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