Devara Part 1, starring Jr NTR and Janhvi Kapoor in the lead roles, was released in cinemas on September 27. The film got grand opening and minted a whopping Rs 82.5 crore nett in India on Friday. Despite its collection dropped on Saturday, Devara managed to maintain a good pace the next day at the box office. As per Sacnilk, the collections of the film has dropped nearly 70 per cent on Monday and Devara collected just Rs 12.5 crore nett. The total box office collections of Devara Part 1 after four days of theatrical release stand at Rs 173.1 crore. Devara Part 1, starring Jr NTR and Janhvi Kapoor in the lead roles, was released in cinemas on September 27. The film got grand opening and minted a whopping Rs 82.5 crore nett in India on Friday. Despite its collection dropped on Saturday, Devara managed to maintain a good pace the next day at the box office. As per Sacnilk, the collections of the film has dropped nearly 70 per cent on Monday and Devara collected just Rs 12.5 crore nett. The total box office collections of Devara Part 1 after four days of theatrical release stand at Rs 173.1 crore. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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