Dhanteras 2024 timings and puja muhurat: Best time to buy gold and perform rituals

Dhanteras 2024 timings and puja muhurat: Best time to buy gold and perform rituals

Mumbai: As Diwali kicks off with Dhanteras, a day that’s deeply significant in Indian culture, households across the country gear up to bring prosperity. Celebrated each year on the 13th day of Kartik month’s dark fortnight, this year’s Dhanteras falls on October 29, 2024. From buying gold and silver to honouring deities for good health and wealth, Dhanteras comes with traditions and timings to help you make the most of it. Here’s your user-friendly guide to navigating this festival smoothly.

Dhanteras sets the stage for Diwali’s five days of festivities. On this day, people worship Lord Dhanvantari—the divine healer—and Goddess Lakshmi, the symbol of wealth and prosperity. It’s considered incredibly auspicious to buy gold, silver, and new utensils on Dhanteras, as these items represent the arrival of abundance and good fortune into your home. Plus, lighting a lamp in the south direction to honour Yama, the god of death, is believed to protect the family from untimely difficulties.

Why Do We Celebrate Dhanteras?

The roots of Dhanteras lie in mythology. According to ancient scriptures, during the cosmic churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan), Lord Dhanvantari emerged with a pot of amrita, the nectar of immortality, on this very day. This is why we call it Dhantrayodashi and why there’s a tradition of purchasing new utensils to honour Lord Dhanvantari’s appearance. It’s said that these purchases bring prosperity and renew positive energy at home.

What to Buy on Dhanteras for Good Luck

Certain items are thought to bring a touch of divine luck to your life on Dhanteras. Here’s what to add to your shopping list for maximum good fortune:



Gold and Silver
Symbols of wealth and prosperity

New Utensils
Honouring Lord Dhanvantari’s blessings

Represents a fresh start and cleansing

Copper Utensils
Known to attract positive energy

Coriander Seeds
Symbolise abundance and fertility

Purifies and protects the home

Besides these, you can buy idols of Lakshmi and Ganesh, fresh clothes, or even a new piece of jewellery as a symbolic way to bring wealth and well-being into your life.

What to Avoid Buying on Dhanteras

While the focus is on bringing positivity, some items are best avoided, as they’re believed to have adverse effects. Here’s what not to buy on this special day:

Avoid Buying


Glass Items
Linked with Rahu, an inauspicious planet

Plastic Items
Considered inauspicious for this day

Symbol of misfortune

Sharp or Pointed Objects
Attract negative energy

Black Colored Items
Traditionally considered unlucky

Broken or Damaged Items
Believed to bring hardship

Best Shopping Timings on Dhanteras 2024

The luckiest shopping period on Dhanteras this year is from October 29, 6:31 AM, to October 30, 10:31 AM. Purchases during this window are believed to yield threefold benefits and blessings.

Avoiding Rahu Kaal for Shopping

To keep things auspicious, steer clear of the Rahukal period on October 29, which is from 2:51 PM to 4:15 PM. Rahu Kaal is believed to bring inauspicious effects, so it’s wise to schedule your purchases before or after this window.

Ideal Times for Gold and Vehicle Purchases on Dhanteras 2024

Gold Buying: October 29 from 10:31 AM until October 30 at 6:32 AM. The golden moment, however, is between 6:32 PM and 8:14 PM on October 29 for those keen on maximising prosperity.

Vehicle Purchases: Three key times on October 29 are ideal for buying a vehicle:

10:41 AM – 12:05 PM
12:05 PM – 1:28 PM
7:15 PM – 8:51 PM

These times offer a positive start for new investments, particularly for large purchases like cars or motorcycles.

Dhanteras Puja Timings for 2024

For those planning to perform the Dhanteras Puja, the ideal time is from 6:31 PM to 8:13 PM on October 29. During this period, prayers to Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Dhanvantari, and Lord Kuber are believed to bring prosperity, happiness, and health to the family.

Deepdaan – The Light of Protection on Dhanteras

A special tradition on Dhanteras is to perform Deepdaan, lighting a lamp for Yama, the god of death. This practice, done during the Pradosh Kaal, is thought to keep untimely troubles at bay. This year, the Pradosh Kaal for Deepdaan is from 5:38 PM to 6:55 PM, giving you 1 hour and 17 minutes to carry out this ritual.

Essential Items for Dhanteras Puja

For a smooth and complete Puja, keep the following items handy:

Images of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi
Ganga water (holy water)
13 lamps and cotton wicks
A small plate and wooden base for offerings
Red or yellow cloth, rice grains, turmeric, incense, and camphor.

Dhanteras Puja Vidhi

Start early by bathing and dressing in clean, auspicious clothes.
Decorate your entrance with rangoli and mark Lakshmi’s footsteps to invite prosperity.
Set up idols of Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Dhanvantari, and Lord Kuber, and offer flowers, sandalwood, and rice.
Place sacred offerings such as basil leaves, milk, and butter before Lord Dhanvantari.
Finally, light a four-wick lamp outside your house facing the south to honour Lord Yama.

How Many Lamps to Light on Dhanteras?

Lighting 13 lamps on Dhanteras is considered auspicious, symbolising prosperity and protecting against financial challenges. Place these lamps at different locations throughout your home to attract overall abundance.

Which colour to wear on Dhanteras?

Wearing yellow on Dhanteras is said to please Lord Dhanvantari, inviting positivity and blessings. Black, on the other hand, is best avoided as it is traditionally seen as inauspicious.

Budget-Friendly Buys for Dhanteras

If buying gold or silver isn’t in your plan, you can still attract fortune by opting for:

Steel or copper utensils
Salt and coriander seeds
New clothes or idols of Lakshmi and Ganesh

These items, just like gold or silver, are believed to bring prosperity and create a welcoming atmosphere for Goddess Lakshmi.

Dhanteras 2024 is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate abundance, renew traditions, and bring positive energy into your home. Happy Dhanteras!

 Celebrate Dhanteras 2024 with our comprehensive guide on puja timings, shopping tips, and rituals. Discover what to buy, avoid, and perform to bring fortune and well-being this festive season.  Spirituality Lifestyle News -Fashion Trends, Beauty Tips, Celebrity Party News, Relationship advice, Travel and Food Tips