Legendary Bollywood star Dharmendra is celebrating his 89th birthday today, December 8, 2024. On SUnday, the veteran actor celebrated his special day with his sons, Bobby Deol and Sunny Deol, in Mumbai along with their fans outside their residence. Fans also celebrated their favourite star’s birthday with posters of his iconic films and photographs around his building, calling him the ‘God of Bollywood’. To celebrate the day, Dharmendra also cut the cake with his sons and posed with the fans. Legendary Bollywood star Dharmendra is celebrating his 89th birthday today, December 8, 2024. On SUnday, the veteran actor celebrated his special day with his sons, Bobby Deol and Sunny Deol, in Mumbai along with their fans outside their residence. Fans also celebrated their favourite star’s birthday with posters of his iconic films and photographs around his building, calling him the ‘God of Bollywood’. To celebrate the day, Dharmendra also cut the cake with his sons and posed with the fans. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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