New Delhi: Bollywood Diva Kiara Advani leaves no chance to flaunt her upscale fashion sense and leave a mark on the industry as well as the audience with her impeccable style. For her upcoming movie Game Changer, with actor Ram Charan, Kiara was seen in Lucknow at the film’s teaser launch wearing a gorgeous white gown with red roses, a design by Rohit Bal. However, the actress went a little different from the original outfit as she ditched the over jacket with the original piece and opted for the gown.
The actress opted for a simple yet elegant flowy dress in white with detailing of flowers in the shape and colour of roses elevating the overall look of the design. This sleeveless outfit had a fitted bodice and a sweetheart neckline that highlighted her shape beautifully.
Kiara Advani’s Tribute to Rohit Bal
For the Game Changer teaser launch, Kiara wore a stunning dress with a lace strappy bodice, adding a touch of vintage charm. The main highlight of the dress was the bottom skirt flowing softly with the blooming flowers adding a perfect vibrant pop of colour to the white. The mix of delicate white lace and striking red roses gave the dress an elegant and sophisticated feel.
The designer’s original piece included a detailed jacket layered over the strappy dress with intricate details of flowers and animal motifs. The jacket was not only a historic charm but also a vision of how Rohit wanted the dress to be highlighted. However, the actress opted to forgo the jacket, a choice that drew some criticism. Content creator Diet Sabya commented on her decision, noting that by skipping the jacket, Kiara’s look appeared unfinished and lacked the full impact intended by the designer.
Bollywood star Kiara Advani made a fashion statement at the Game Changer teaser launch in Lucknow, donning a white Rohit Bal gown adorned with vibrant red roses. The actress chose a jacket-free version of the iconic design, captivating her fans and sparking discussions. Fashion Lifestyle News -Fashion Trends, Beauty Tips, Celebrity Party News, Relationship advice, Travel and Food Tips