Global star Priyanka Chopra recently visited Hyderabad’s Chilkur Balaji temple. She has shared this information through a social media post. PC also mentioned that she sought the blessing of the almighty before starting a new chapter of life. In the post, she is seen expressing gratitude to actor Ram Charan’s wife Upasana Konidela. Netizens think that the new chapter Priyanka mentioned is her upcoming Pan India movie SSMB29 with Mahesh Babu and SS Rajamouli. This film will also mark her Indian movie comeback after the 2019 film The Sky Is Pink. Global star Priyanka Chopra recently visited Hyderabad’s Chilkur Balaji temple. She has shared this information through a social media post. PC also mentioned that she sought the blessing of the almighty before starting a new chapter of life. In the post, she is seen expressing gratitude to actor Ram Charan’s wife Upasana Konidela. Netizens think that the new chapter Priyanka mentioned is her upcoming Pan India movie SSMB29 with Mahesh Babu and SS Rajamouli. This film will also mark her Indian movie comeback after the 2019 film The Sky Is Pink. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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