The energetic trailer of Akshay Kumar’s upcoming film ‘Sarfira’ was released this week. Now it is making a splash on all social media platforms. After the poster release of Akshay Kumar’s much-awaited film ‘Sarfira’, the trailer of the film was released which created a stir on the internet. It is trending number 1 on YouTube. But do you know Akshay’s golden partnership with an actor is going to be seen for the 21st time in this film? This powerful actor is none other than Paresh Rawal. The energetic trailer of Akshay Kumar’s upcoming film ‘Sarfira’ was released this week. Now it is making a splash on all social media platforms. After the poster release of Akshay Kumar’s much-awaited film ‘Sarfira’, the trailer of the film was released which created a stir on the internet. It is trending number 1 on YouTube. But do you know Akshay’s golden partnership with an actor is going to be seen for the 21st time in this film? This powerful actor is none other than Paresh Rawal. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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