The makers of the animated film series, Frozen, have announced the release date of its third installment. The film will be released on November 24, 2027, on the occasion of Thanksgiving Day. Coincidently, both of its first two chapters were released around Thanksgiving Day and went on to become huge box office success, minting over 1 billion USD. Earlier, filmmaker Jennifer Lee presented the initial concept art for Frozen 3, featuring its iconic characters Anna and Elsa. The makers of the animated film series, Frozen, have announced the release date of its third installment. The film will be released on November 24, 2027, on the occasion of Thanksgiving Day. Coincidently, both of its first two chapters were released around Thanksgiving Day and went on to become huge box office success, minting over 1 billion USD. Earlier, filmmaker Jennifer Lee presented the initial concept art for Frozen 3, featuring its iconic characters Anna and Elsa. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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