Bollywood actor and Lok Sabha Member from Mandi district Himachal Pradesh, Kangana Ranaut will have to wait more for the certificate of her film ‘Emergency’. For the unversed, the makers of the film have appealed in the Bombay High Court demanding a certification for their film. The Bombay HC said in its verdict that it cannot direct the CBFC (Central Board of Film Certification) to award the certificate since it would contradict the MP High Court judgment. The MP court instructed the CBFC to hear the representations of Sikh groups that had filed petitions before it. The court requests that the CBFC make its ruling by September 18, with the next hearing scheduled for September 19. Bollywood actor and Lok Sabha Member from Mandi district Himachal Pradesh, Kangana Ranaut will have to wait more for the certificate of her film ‘Emergency’. For the unversed, the makers of the film have appealed in the Bombay High Court demanding a certification for their film. The Bombay HC said in its verdict that it cannot direct the CBFC (Central Board of Film Certification) to award the certificate since it would contradict the MP High Court judgment. The MP court instructed the CBFC to hear the representations of Sikh groups that had filed petitions before it. The court requests that the CBFC make its ruling by September 18, with the next hearing scheduled for September 19. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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