The Bombay High Court on Wednesday has allowed the release of Annu Kapoor-starrer Hamare Baarah after the makers of the film have agreed to make certain changes in the movie. Hamare Baarah, which was earlier scheduled to hit cinemas on June 7, will now be released on June 21, 2024. A division bench of Justice BP Colabawalla and Justice Firdosh Pooniwalla passed the order in a writ petition seeking a ban on the film on the ground that it is derogatory to Islam and Muslims. The Bombay High Court on Wednesday has allowed the release of Annu Kapoor-starrer Hamare Baarah after the makers of the film have agreed to make certain changes in the movie. Hamare Baarah, which was earlier scheduled to hit cinemas on June 7, will now be released on June 21, 2024. A division bench of Justice BP Colabawalla and Justice Firdosh Pooniwalla passed the order in a writ petition seeking a ban on the film on the ground that it is derogatory to Islam and Muslims. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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