New Delhi: Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni shared a video on X of herself with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, captioning it “Hi friends, from #Melodi.”
In the video, PM Meloni can be seen waving her hand and saying, “Hello from the Melodi team,” while PM Modi can be heard laughing loudly and waving too. Moments after the video was shared, it went immensely viral across social media platforms as people showered love for the two leaders.
The camaraderie between the two leaders who met previously at the G20 Summit in Delhi last year and then at the COP 28 in Dubai have spawned several online memes.
In December last year, the two leaders had clicked a selfie on the the sidelines of the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai. While sharing the picture with PM Modi on X, Meloni had stated, “Good friends at COP28, #Melodi.”
Photographs of the two leaders together have been shared widely on online platforms with the hashtags “Melodi” becoming a trending topic.
Earlier on Saturday, a selfie of the two leaders at the G7 Summit in Italy’s Apulia went viral. The photo shows them smiling at the camera as Meloni snaps the picture. The picture and the video is from PM Modi’s first international visit after taking oath for the third time. He was in Italy for day-long visit to represent India as an outreach nation on the sidelines of the G7 Summit.
Upon reaching the summit venue, PM Modi was received by PM Meloni with a namaste.
PM Modi was attending the 2024 G7 Summit at the invitation of Italy’s Meloni. He wrote in a post on X, “Thanked her for inviting India to be a part of the G7 Summit and for the wonderful arrangements.”
PM Modi held a bilateral meeting with his Italian counterpart during the G7 Summit in Italy and discussed defence and security cooperation between the two countries.
“The two sides discussed bilateral defence and security cooperation and hoped for further enhancing the defence industrial collaboration. They welcomed the forthcoming visit of the Italian aircraft carrier ITS Cavour and training ship ITS Vespucci to India later this year,” the Ministry of External Affairs said in an official release.
Moreover, PM Modi also thanked the Italian Government for recognising the Indian Army’s contribution to the Italian Campaign during World War II and informed that “India will be upgrading the Yashwant Ghadge Memorial at Montone in Italy.
‘Hello From The Melodi team’: Italy’s Giorgia Meloni Posts Video with PM Modi | Watch world-news World News | Latest International Global World News | Todays Breaking News Headlines