New Delhi: In a recent incident in Maharashtra’s Akola district, a shocking scam involving fake garlic made from cement has come to light. With garlic prices skyrocketing, unscrupulous vendors have taken advantage of the situation, selling fake garlic to unsuspecting customers. It is essential to know how to identify fake garlic to protect yourself from such fraudulent practices. Here’s how you can spot the difference.
Tips to spot fake garlic
Identifying fake garlic can be tricky, especially when it’s designed to closely resemble the real thing. However, there are a few telltale signs that can help you distinguish between genuine and fake garlic. First, pay attention to the texture and weight. Real garlic is relatively lightweight, while fake garlic, especially if made from cement, will feel unnaturally heavy. Next, try peeling the garlic. Real garlic cloves should separate easily from the bulb, while fake garlic may resist peeling or break apart in an unusual manner. Additionally, real garlic has a distinct, strong smell; if the garlic you purchased lacks this aroma, it’s likely fake. Finally, check the colour and consistency of the cloves. Genuine garlic will have a natural, slightly uneven white colour, whereas fake garlic may have a uniform white coating that seems too perfect.
Health hazards of consuming fake garlic
Consuming fake garlic poses significant health risks. Since fake garlic is made from non-edible materials like cement, it can cause severe digestive issues if ingested. Cement is toxic and can lead to poisoning, gastrointestinal irritation, and even long-term health problems if consumed in significant quantities. Additionally, the paint or other chemicals used to give fake garlic its appearance may contain harmful substances that are dangerous to human health. If you suspect that you have purchased fake garlic, it is crucial not to consume it and report the vendor to local authorities. Protecting yourself from such scams not only safeguards your health but also helps in cracking down on fraudulent activities.
With reports of fake garlic made from cement surfacing, it’s crucial to know how to spot the difference. From unusual weight to lack of aroma, discover the key signs that help you avoid being tricked into buying fake garlic. Home & Garden Lifestyle News -Fashion Trends, Beauty Tips, Celebrity Party News, Relationship advice, Travel and Food Tips