Hrithik Roshan has a reason to celebrate today, January 14, 2025, as his debut film has clocked 25 years. Taking a trip down memory lane, the actor shared a series of pictures showcasing his handwritten prepping notes for Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai, which was released in 2000. In a heartfelt post on his Instagram account, Hrithik revisited his nervousness and excitement as he embarked on his first big venture in the film industry. He also reflected on how his thoughts at the time of the film’s release have stayed with him. One of the pages of the notes featured motivational words the actor had written to stay focused during the preparation for his debut role. Hrithik Roshan has a reason to celebrate today, January 14, 2025, as his debut film has clocked 25 years. Taking a trip down memory lane, the actor shared a series of pictures showcasing his handwritten prepping notes for Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai, which was released in 2000. In a heartfelt post on his Instagram account, Hrithik revisited his nervousness and excitement as he embarked on his first big venture in the film industry. He also reflected on how his thoughts at the time of the film’s release have stayed with him. One of the pages of the notes featured motivational words the actor had written to stay focused during the preparation for his debut role. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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