Prabhas’ latest offering Kalki 2898 AD turned out to be the biggest hit of 2024. On its opening day, the film grossed nearly Rs 200 crore at the gross worldwide box office. Since it has been one of the highly-anticipated flicks of the year, the craze around the film was at an all-time high ahead of its release. Now, that the film has finally hit OTT after its successful run a the cinemas. Moreover, fans were treated with surprise with several cameos in Kalki 2898 AD. If you have watched the film, you must have seen the opening scene where Amitabh Bachchan’s character of Ashwatthama is seen interacting with Lord Krishna. Did you know who played the role of Lord Krishna in the film? On the occasion of Krishna Janmashtami, let’s have a look at the actor who wooed us all in Kalki 2898 AD, without even showing his face on the big screens. Prabhas’ latest offering Kalki 2898 AD turned out to be the biggest hit of 2024. On its opening day, the film grossed nearly Rs 200 crore at the gross worldwide box office. Since it has been one of the highly-anticipated flicks of the year, the craze around the film was at an all-time high ahead of its release. Now, that the film has finally hit OTT after its successful run a the cinemas. Moreover, fans were treated with surprise with several cameos in Kalki 2898 AD. If you have watched the film, you must have seen the opening scene where Amitabh Bachchan’s character of Ashwatthama is seen interacting with Lord Krishna. Did you know who played the role of Lord Krishna in the film? On the occasion of Krishna Janmashtami, let’s have a look at the actor who wooed us all in Kalki 2898 AD, without even showing his face on the big screens. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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