Jigra and Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video were released together last Friday. Both film witnessed a decent start at the box office and minted nearly equally in the first three days of their theatrical release. Their real test was on Monday, a non-holiday, which will decide their fate in the coming days. As per the latest figures issued by Sacnilk, Jigra earned Rs 1.50 crore on Monday while VVKWWV collected Rs 2.25 crore on Day 4. Check out day-wise collections of both films in the first four days of their release. Jigra and Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video were released together last Friday. Both film witnessed a decent start at the box office and minted nearly equally in the first three days of their theatrical release. Their real test was on Monday, a non-holiday, which will decide their fate in the coming days. As per the latest figures issued by Sacnilk, Jigra earned Rs 1.50 crore on Monday while VVKWWV collected Rs 2.25 crore on Day 4. Check out day-wise collections of both films in the first four days of their release. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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