After teasing behind-the-scenes pictures, Alia Bhatt and Diljit Dosanjh have finally unveiled their highly-anticipated single titled, Chal Kudiye. The song is from the actress’ upcoming release, Jigra and showcases the strong willpower and strength of Alia’s character in the film. Both the stars have lent their voices to the song. This is the first song of the duo after a long gap of eight years as they previously collaborated on the song, Ikk Kudi. After teasing behind-the-scenes pictures, Alia Bhatt and Diljit Dosanjh have finally unveiled their highly-anticipated single titled, Chal Kudiye. The song is from the actress’ upcoming release, Jigra and showcases the strong willpower and strength of Alia’s character in the film. Both the stars have lent their voices to the song. This is the first song of the duo after a long gap of eight years as they previously collaborated on the song, Ikk Kudi. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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