Makers of Kalki 2898 AD on Wednesday announced that the Malayalam actress Shobana has joined the star-studded star cast of the film. As the release date of the film is getting nearer, the makers are not leaving any stone unturned in ramping up their promotional efforts with a series of new and exciting announcements every other day. ”Her ancestors waited too, just like her… 8 days to go for,” the makers wrote in the caption while unveiling a new poster featuring the actress. Makers of Kalki 2898 AD on Wednesday announced that the Malayalam actress Shobana has joined the star-studded star cast of the film. As the release date of the film is getting nearer, the makers are not leaving any stone unturned in ramping up their promotional efforts with a series of new and exciting announcements every other day. ”Her ancestors waited too, just like her… 8 days to go for,” the makers wrote in the caption while unveiling a new poster featuring the actress. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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