Chandigarh court on Tuesday issued notices to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP and actress Kangana Ranaut and others on a complaint accusing them of maligning the image of Sikhs in her upcoming directorial, Emergency. The notices were issued by the Chandigarh district court on a plea filed by advocate Ravinder Singh Bassi, who is also the president of the NGO Lawyers for Humanity. The respondents have been asked to file their replies by December 5. Chandigarh court on Tuesday issued notices to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP and actress Kangana Ranaut and others on a complaint accusing them of maligning the image of Sikhs in her upcoming directorial, Emergency. The notices were issued by the Chandigarh district court on a plea filed by advocate Ravinder Singh Bassi, who is also the president of the NGO Lawyers for Humanity. The respondents have been asked to file their replies by December 5. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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