Kanguva, starring Suriya, Bobby Deol, Disha Patani and Yogi Babu in key roles, witnessed a major blow on its second day of theatrical release. As per Sacnilk, the film earned just Rs 9 crore on Friday after a much better Day 1. On Thursday, the actioner minted Rs 24 crore across all languages with a major contribution coming from its original Tamil version. The total collections after two days of release currently stand at Rs 33 crore. However, it is expected to perform better on the weekend and cross Rs 60 crore after its first weekend. The Tamil language film is facing a tough competition from two Bollywood biggies, Singham Again and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, at the box office. Kanguva, starring Suriya, Bobby Deol, Disha Patani and Yogi Babu in key roles, witnessed a major blow on its second day of theatrical release. As per Sacnilk, the film earned just Rs 9 crore on Friday after a much better Day 1. On Thursday, the actioner minted Rs 24 crore across all languages with a major contribution coming from its original Tamil version. The total collections after two days of release currently stand at Rs 33 crore. However, it is expected to perform better on the weekend and cross Rs 60 crore after its first weekend. The Tamil language film is facing a tough competition from two Bollywood biggies, Singham Again and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, at the box office. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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