Kannada film actor Shiva Rajkumar who was last seen in films like Bhairathi Ranagal and Captain Miller made a big revelation on Wednesday. He revealed in an Instagram video that he is cancer-free now after undergoing surgery for gall bladder cancer at Miami Cancer Institute (MCI) in the US on December 24, 2024. After the update about the successful surgery, fans were eagerly waiting for news from the superstar about his health, Shiva Rajkumar and his wife Geetha took to Instagram to share the good news. Kannada film actor Shiva Rajkumar who was last seen in films like Bhairathi Ranagal and Captain Miller made a big revelation on Wednesday. He revealed in an Instagram video that he is cancer-free now after undergoing surgery for gall bladder cancer at Miami Cancer Institute (MCI) in the US on December 24, 2024. After the update about the successful surgery, fans were eagerly waiting for news from the superstar about his health, Shiva Rajkumar and his wife Geetha took to Instagram to share the good news. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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