Comedian-actor Kapil Sharma has reportedly received death threats through an email. Not only Kapil but several other celebs including Bollywood actor Rajpal Yadav, choreographer Remo D’Souza and actress Sugandha Mishra have also received death threats. A message was sent to Rajpal Yadav’s email account from a person named Vishnu, who allegedly warned that Kapil, his family, his associates and Rajpal Yadav would be killed. The email, sent on December 14, 2024, led to a formal complaint. Comedian-actor Kapil Sharma has reportedly received death threats through an email. Not only Kapil but several other celebs including Bollywood actor Rajpal Yadav, choreographer Remo D’Souza and actress Sugandha Mishra have also received death threats. A message was sent to Rajpal Yadav’s email account from a person named Vishnu, who allegedly warned that Kapil, his family, his associates and Rajpal Yadav would be killed. The email, sent on December 14, 2024, led to a formal complaint. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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