Amid the box office clash of Jigra and Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video, a clash of celebs began between filmmaker turns actors Karan Johar and Divya Khossla. A verbal brawl broke out between filmmaker Divya Khosla and actor Karan Johar on the day of Jigra’s release. It all started when Divya called the Jigra collection fraudulent. Later, Jigra producer Karan Johar used his Instagram account to dismiss such posts as trivial. However, one odd aspect of this social media fight is that neither party has adopted the other’s name; instead, they were publishing mysterious photos on Instagram stories. Amid the box office clash of Jigra and Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video, a clash of celebs began between filmmaker turns actors Karan Johar and Divya Khossla. A verbal brawl broke out between filmmaker Divya Khosla and actor Karan Johar on the day of Jigra’s release. It all started when Divya called the Jigra collection fraudulent. Later, Jigra producer Karan Johar used his Instagram account to dismiss such posts as trivial. However, one odd aspect of this social media fight is that neither party has adopted the other’s name; instead, they were publishing mysterious photos on Instagram stories. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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