A day after releasing Bad Newz’s first song ‘Tauba Tauba’, filmmaker Karan Johar on Wednesday dropped a selfie with Vicky Kaushal and singer Karan Aujla on his Instagram handle under the Stories section. In the picture, all three of them can be seen smiling and posing for the click. ”Tauba Tauba in the house (literally),” he wrote in the caption. The song ‘Tauba Tauba’ was released on Tuesday on social media. A day after releasing Bad Newz’s first song ‘Tauba Tauba’, filmmaker Karan Johar on Wednesday dropped a selfie with Vicky Kaushal and singer Karan Aujla on his Instagram handle under the Stories section. In the picture, all three of them can be seen smiling and posing for the click. ”Tauba Tauba in the house (literally),” he wrote in the caption. The song ‘Tauba Tauba’ was released on Tuesday on social media. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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