Karan Johar and the director of Brahmastra, Ayan Mukerji, are on cloud nine as their film bagged the coveted National Film Award on Tuesday. Celebrating the achievement, KJo shared a series of pictures of himself along with the director of Brahmastra on his Instagram handle. Karan and Ayan, who collaborated for Brahmastra, were felicitated with the National Film Award for Best Film in AVGC (Animation, Visual Effects Gaming and Comic) at the 70th National Film Awards ceremony held at the Vigyan Bhawan on Tuesday evening. Karan Johar and the director of Brahmastra, Ayan Mukerji, are on cloud nine as their film bagged the coveted National Film Award on Tuesday. Celebrating the achievement, KJo shared a series of pictures of himself along with the director of Brahmastra on his Instagram handle. Karan and Ayan, who collaborated for Brahmastra, were felicitated with the National Film Award for Best Film in AVGC (Animation, Visual Effects Gaming and Comic) at the 70th National Film Awards ceremony held at the Vigyan Bhawan on Tuesday evening. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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