Bollywood director and producer Karan Johar’s mother Hiroo Johar has been admitted to the hospital due to her health deterioration. According to the information received, Hiroo Johar was admitted to Kokilaben Ambani Hospital in Mumbai on December 6. A video is going viral on social media and in this video, Karan Johar is seen leaving the hospital with his friend and popular designer Manish Malhotra. No other information about Hiroo Johar’s health is yet available. Bollywood director and producer Karan Johar’s mother Hiroo Johar has been admitted to the hospital due to her health deterioration. According to the information received, Hiroo Johar was admitted to Kokilaben Ambani Hospital in Mumbai on December 6. A video is going viral on social media and in this video, Karan Johar is seen leaving the hospital with his friend and popular designer Manish Malhotra. No other information about Hiroo Johar’s health is yet available. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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