Taimur Ali Khan, popularly known as Tim, celebrated his eighth birthday in style with his family. His parents, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan, went all out to make Tim’s special day memorable. On Friday, Saifeena threw a sporty-themed birthday bash for their first child. Many videos from the birthday celebrations wherein both Saif and Kareena can be seen engaging in fun games with Taimur and his friends, have been shared by the family’s close friends and family. Taimur Ali Khan, popularly known as Tim, celebrated his eighth birthday in style with his family. His parents, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan, went all out to make Tim’s special day memorable. On Friday, Saifeena threw a sporty-themed birthday bash for their first child. Many videos from the birthday celebrations wherein both Saif and Kareena can be seen engaging in fun games with Taimur and his friends, have been shared by the family’s close friends and family. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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