Shyam Bengal, ace filmmaker and screenwriter, died on Monday at the age of 90. The death of the legend came as a shock for many and the Indian film industry mourned his demise recalling his work. Actress Karisma Kapoor also recalled working with the veteran filmmaker in the 2001 release Zubeidaa. Calling him her ‘second grandfather’, she talked about the dedication and extraordinary directorial skills of the late director. In a statement shared by Karisma’s team, she said, ”Shyamji’s legacy is eternal. He was like a second grandfather to me. His dedication to authentic storytelling and his courage to explore themes of identity and human struggles will continue to inspire generations.” Shyam Bengal, ace filmmaker and screenwriter, died on Monday at the age of 90. The death of the legend came as a shock for many and the Indian film industry mourned his demise recalling his work. Actress Karisma Kapoor also recalled working with the veteran filmmaker in the 2001 release Zubeidaa. Calling him her ‘second grandfather’, she talked about the dedication and extraordinary directorial skills of the late director. In a statement shared by Karisma’s team, she said, ”Shyamji’s legacy is eternal. He was like a second grandfather to me. His dedication to authentic storytelling and his courage to explore themes of identity and human struggles will continue to inspire generations.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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