Kaun Banega Crorepati 16, hosted by legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan, commenced three weeks back with several new contestants. After 15 episodes, many participants have become lakhpatis so far but the season is yet to witness its first crorepati. In the previous episode, Shalini Sharma quit the show after winning Rs 25 lakh and the hooter blew, which signalled the ending of the episode before Big B could continue with the next round of ‘Fastest Finger First’. However, in the promo of the upcoming episode, it was shown that the ‘host seat’ gets a contestant in Banti Vadiva, who is a student and hails from Madhya Pradesh’s Asadi. Kaun Banega Crorepati 16, hosted by legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan, commenced three weeks back with several new contestants. After 15 episodes, many participants have become lakhpatis so far but the season is yet to witness its first crorepati. In the previous episode, Shalini Sharma quit the show after winning Rs 25 lakh and the hooter blew, which signalled the ending of the episode before Big B could continue with the next round of ‘Fastest Finger First’. However, in the promo of the upcoming episode, it was shown that the ‘host seat’ gets a contestant in Banti Vadiva, who is a student and hails from Madhya Pradesh’s Asadi. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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