The Kerala High Court on Tuesday dismissed the anticipatory bail application filed by actor Siddique, seeking bail in a case relating to the sexual assault of a woman actor. The decision comes in the wake of an ongoing investigation by a Special Investigation Team (SIT) formed to address incidents of sexual misconduct within the industry. The allegations were brought to light by a woman actor, who filed a complaint leading to a First Information Report (FIR) being registered by the police in Thiruvananthapuram. The Kerala High Court on Tuesday dismissed the anticipatory bail application filed by actor Siddique, seeking bail in a case relating to the sexual assault of a woman actor. The decision comes in the wake of an ongoing investigation by a Special Investigation Team (SIT) formed to address incidents of sexual misconduct within the industry. The allegations were brought to light by a woman actor, who filed a complaint leading to a First Information Report (FIR) being registered by the police in Thiruvananthapuram. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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