Seems like the controversies over the stunt-based reality show ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 14’ hosted by Rohit Shetty are not ending anytime soon. Recently, Asim Riaz’s much-talked-about fight made a lot of headlines. At the same time, now another participant in the show has attacked her fellow contestants. It was none other than Jackie Shroff’s daughter and Tiger Shroff’s sister Krishna Shroff. In the new episode of the reality show, Krishna got into an argument with Shalin Bhanot and Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia. Tension increased between the three after Krishna was accused of doing stunts at her convenience. Seems like the controversies over the stunt-based reality show ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 14’ hosted by Rohit Shetty are not ending anytime soon. Recently, Asim Riaz’s much-talked-about fight made a lot of headlines. At the same time, now another participant in the show has attacked her fellow contestants. It was none other than Jackie Shroff’s daughter and Tiger Shroff’s sister Krishna Shroff. In the new episode of the reality show, Krishna got into an argument with Shalin Bhanot and Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia. Tension increased between the three after Krishna was accused of doing stunts at her convenience. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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