Kiara Advani’s fans were in deep shock after several reports claiming that her health has deteriorated and the actress is hospitalised surfaced on social media. Now, Kiara’s team has come forward and issued a clarification on the same stating that the actress has been advised to rest following an excessive work schedule. Her representative dismissed reports that the actor has been hospitalised. Reports of her hospitalisation surfaced after Kiara skipped the trailer launch event of her upcoming film Game Changer on Saturday. Kiara Advani’s fans were in deep shock after several reports claiming that her health has deteriorated and the actress is hospitalised surfaced on social media. Now, Kiara’s team has come forward and issued a clarification on the same stating that the actress has been advised to rest following an excessive work schedule. Her representative dismissed reports that the actor has been hospitalised. Reports of her hospitalisation surfaced after Kiara skipped the trailer launch event of her upcoming film Game Changer on Saturday. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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