Karan Johar and Guneet Monga’s co-production film, Kill, is off to a slow start on Friday. As per Sacnilk, the actioner minted just Rs 1.25 crore on its opening day. Starring Lakshya Lalwani and Raghav Juyal in the lead roles, the film is expected to perform better on the weekend days since no other big films are released this Friday. However, the business is still affected due to pan-India release Kalki 2898 AD, starring Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika Padukone. Karan Johar and Guneet Monga’s co-production film, Kill, is off to a slow start on Friday. As per Sacnilk, the actioner minted just Rs 1.25 crore on its opening day. Starring Lakshya Lalwani and Raghav Juyal in the lead roles, the film is expected to perform better on the weekend days since no other big films are released this Friday. However, the business is still affected due to pan-India release Kalki 2898 AD, starring Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika Padukone. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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