Kill, starring Lakshya and Raghav Juyal in the lead roles, is all set to release on OTT. Two months after its theatrical release, Kill will premiere on Disney Plus Hotstar on September 6, 2024. Taking to its Instagram handle, the streamer announced the news along with a title motion video. However, the clip shows no video from the film and just a red scene, showing it as a figure of speech for being violent. Kill, starring Lakshya and Raghav Juyal in the lead roles, is all set to release on OTT. Two months after its theatrical release, Kill will premiere on Disney Plus Hotstar on September 6, 2024. Taking to its Instagram handle, the streamer announced the news along with a title motion video. However, the clip shows no video from the film and just a red scene, showing it as a figure of speech for being violent. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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