Bollywood actor and politician Govinda was injured in an accidental gunshot on Tuesday morning. The actor later issued a statement informing his fans that doctors have removed the bullet and he is fine with the affection of his fans and God’s blessings. Govinda’s nephew and comedian Krishna Abhishek’s wife Kashmira was among the first people to reach the hospital after the news about the actor went viral. Apart from this, Vinay Anand and Deepak Sawant have also reached the hospital to meet the actor. Now the latest update from the Police investigation is also out. In the latest developement, Juhu police has record Govinda’s statement on misfire incident. Bollywood actor and politician Govinda was injured in an accidental gunshot on Tuesday morning. The actor later issued a statement informing his fans that doctors have removed the bullet and he is fine with the affection of his fans and God’s blessings. Govinda’s nephew and comedian Krishna Abhishek’s wife Kashmira was among the first people to reach the hospital after the news about the actor went viral. Apart from this, Vinay Anand and Deepak Sawant have also reached the hospital to meet the actor. Now the latest update from the Police investigation is also out. In the latest developement, Juhu police has record Govinda’s statement on misfire incident. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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