Malayalam film actor Siddique has reached the Supreme Court for his anticipatory bail in the sexual harassment case. After the anticipatory bail petition was rejected by the Kerala High Court, the Malayalam actor filed an anticipatory bail petition in the Supreme Court. In August this year, an FIR was filed against Siddique on charges of sexual harassment by an actress. She had accused him of sexual harassment and exploitation after the Justice Hema Committee report was made public. Malayalam film actor Siddique has reached the Supreme Court for his anticipatory bail in the sexual harassment case. After the anticipatory bail petition was rejected by the Kerala High Court, the Malayalam actor filed an anticipatory bail petition in the Supreme Court. In August this year, an FIR was filed against Siddique on charges of sexual harassment by an actress. She had accused him of sexual harassment and exploitation after the Justice Hema Committee report was made public. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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