Malayalam actor Siddiqui, who has been in the news recently for all the wrong reasons, finally has something to cheer up. The Supreme Court on Tuesday granted anticipatory bail to him in a rape case. A bench of Justices Bela M Trivedi and Satish Chandra Sharma said the veteran actor will have to deposit his passport and cooperate with the investigating officer in the probe. The top court also took note of the fact that the complaint in the case was filed in August, eight years after the alleged incident took place in 2016. Malayalam actor Siddiqui, who has been in the news recently for all the wrong reasons, finally has something to cheer up. The Supreme Court on Tuesday granted anticipatory bail to him in a rape case. A bench of Justices Bela M Trivedi and Satish Chandra Sharma said the veteran actor will have to deposit his passport and cooperate with the investigating officer in the probe. The top court also took note of the fact that the complaint in the case was filed in August, eight years after the alleged incident took place in 2016. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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