Vijay Varma, who has proved his acting prowess, has announced his new project. The actor has also released the first look of his upcoming series titled as Matka King. This story is set in 1960s Mumbai where a cotton trend starts a new gambling game called Matka. This game has become very popular in the city, which is not limited to only rich people but is for everyone. Popular actors like Kritika Kamra, Sai Tamhankar, Gulshan Grover, and Siddharth Jadhav are also in important roles in this series. The announcement of this project was shared by Prime Video In on its official Instagram. I Vijay Varma, who has proved his acting prowess, has announced his new project. The actor has also released the first look of his upcoming series titled as Matka King. This story is set in 1960s Mumbai where a cotton trend starts a new gambling game called Matka. This game has become very popular in the city, which is not limited to only rich people but is for everyone. Popular actors like Kritika Kamra, Sai Tamhankar, Gulshan Grover, and Siddharth Jadhav are also in important roles in this series. The announcement of this project was shared by Prime Video In on its official Instagram. I IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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