Singer Mika Singh has come out in support of Kangana Ranaut, who was allegedly slapped at Chandigarh airport by a female CISF officer. On Friday, Mika took to his Instagram account and shared a post in support of the actress and penned down a long note. ”We as punjabi/ Sikh community has made respect all around the world by our sewa and as saviour. It’s disheartening to hear about the airport episode that took place with Kangana Ranaut. The CISF constable was on duty at the airport and it is her job to ensure the safety of people around. It is sad that she thought it was okay to assault a passenger at the airport due to her personal anger about another situation. She should’ve show her anger outside at the airport in civil dress. But this is not the way to outburst your emotions. This act of hers will now affect other Punjabi ladies and they might get suspended from their jobs just because of the mistake made by one.” Singer Mika Singh has come out in support of Kangana Ranaut, who was allegedly slapped at Chandigarh airport by a female CISF officer. On Friday, Mika took to his Instagram account and shared a post in support of the actress and penned down a long note. ”We as punjabi/ Sikh community has made respect all around the world by our sewa and as saviour. It’s disheartening to hear about the airport episode that took place with Kangana Ranaut. The CISF constable was on duty at the airport and it is her job to ensure the safety of people around. It is sad that she thought it was okay to assault a passenger at the airport due to her personal anger about another situation. She should’ve show her anger outside at the airport in civil dress. But this is not the way to outburst your emotions. This act of hers will now affect other Punjabi ladies and they might get suspended from their jobs just because of the mistake made by one.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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