Legendary actor and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Mithun Chakraborty on Saturday casts his vote at a polling booth in West Bengal’s Belgachia. The polling is currently underway in the 7th phase of Lok Sabha Elections 2024 on 57 constituencies including 13 in Uttar Pradesh, 13 in Punjab, 9 in West Bengal, 8 in Bihar, 6 in Odisha, 4 in Himachal Pradesh, 3 in Jharkhand and Chandigarh. After casting his vote, the actor said, ”I am a BJP cadre, I have done my duty. I will talk about films from tomorrow because I have to feed my family too.” Legendary actor and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Mithun Chakraborty on Saturday casts his vote at a polling booth in West Bengal’s Belgachia. The polling is currently underway in the 7th phase of Lok Sabha Elections 2024 on 57 constituencies including 13 in Uttar Pradesh, 13 in Punjab, 9 in West Bengal, 8 in Bihar, 6 in Odisha, 4 in Himachal Pradesh, 3 in Jharkhand and Chandigarh. After casting his vote, the actor said, ”I am a BJP cadre, I have done my duty. I will talk about films from tomorrow because I have to feed my family too.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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