Malayalam star Mohanlal has resigned as president of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA). As per media reports, all the members of the executive committee have submitted their joint resignation. This all started after shocking revelations were made about the Malayalam film industry in the Hema Committee report, which came out on Monday. According to PTI, this report talked about the sexual harassment that women are facing in the Malayalam film industry. The report also said that women are offered work with the demand for sexual relations. After the Hema Committee report was made public last Monday, many actors came forward and accused other actors, filmmakers and technicians of sexual harassment. Malayalam star Mohanlal has resigned as president of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA). As per media reports, all the members of the executive committee have submitted their joint resignation. This all started after shocking revelations were made about the Malayalam film industry in the Hema Committee report, which came out on Monday. According to PTI, this report talked about the sexual harassment that women are facing in the Malayalam film industry. The report also said that women are offered work with the demand for sexual relations. After the Hema Committee report was made public last Monday, many actors came forward and accused other actors, filmmakers and technicians of sexual harassment. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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