The Mumbai crime branch personnel have met actor Govinda, who sustained leg injuries after his revolver accidentally went off, and enquired with him about the incident, officials said on Wednesday. While the local police have been conducting an investigation, the Mumbai crime branch has also initiated a parallel enquiry into the incident. No one has lodged any complaint in this matter so far, police said. The incident took place on Tuesday at the Mumbai residence of the 60-year-old actor and he is currently recuperating at a private hospital in Mumbai. The Mumbai crime branch personnel have met actor Govinda, who sustained leg injuries after his revolver accidentally went off, and enquired with him about the incident, officials said on Wednesday. While the local police have been conducting an investigation, the Mumbai crime branch has also initiated a parallel enquiry into the incident. No one has lodged any complaint in this matter so far, police said. The incident took place on Tuesday at the Mumbai residence of the 60-year-old actor and he is currently recuperating at a private hospital in Mumbai. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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