Veteran Bollywood actor and Lok Sabha member from Asansol constituency, Shatrughan Sinha has been admitted to Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai. Known as Shot Gun, the actor was feeling fever and weakness for the last two days, due to which he was hospitalised on Sunday. The actor’s son Luv Sinha confirmed the news. “Father had viral fever and weakness for the last few days so we decided to admit him to the hospital,” Luv said. Veteran Bollywood actor and Lok Sabha member from Asansol constituency, Shatrughan Sinha has been admitted to Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai. Known as Shot Gun, the actor was feeling fever and weakness for the last two days, due to which he was hospitalised on Sunday. The actor’s son Luv Sinha confirmed the news. “Father had viral fever and weakness for the last few days so we decided to admit him to the hospital,” Luv said. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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